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Location: Stockton, California, United States

Some call me OlRailbird.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

9 days of development until BC

Up way too late last night convincing blogger I was not a SPAMBOT. I think filling in most of my user information finally let me make a second post.

Despite the lack of sleep, I think I had good progress tonight adding to the new program. GetTrack(track) seems to be more or less working. This function will let me look up track adjustments to offset raw speed ratings. Just have to make the data returned make sense...

I am focusing on making GetMyRat(...) working. Several fields to fill in much like my old Nag-O-Calc III program. Once I can create my own speed ratings, just a matter of time before I decide how to use them. I know the program won't work completely like I want in time for the Breeder's Cup, but I think I'll have something useful that might make money.


The most interesting race on BC Day is the Sprint for me. Russell Baze is scheduled to ride LOST IN THE FOG who is 10 for 10. The knock, of course, is that LITF has beaten no one of consequence.

Baze is in the Hall of Fame despite being a big fish in a small pond. A win here would cement his reputation as one of the best jockeys ever...despite the fact he pretty much just has to stay in the saddle while the horse clears the field.

Still, LITF is just a 3-year-old who will be up against older horses. The fractions and times he's posted say he'll do it but who knows? At least we know Baze won't stiff this one like he does other 3/5 shots...


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